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Rigelian standard

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Unlock the full power of Rigelian and get access to all functions, on all your devices, for all your family members.

€3.49 / $ 3.49 annually or €0.49 / $0.49 monthly
A subscription comes with a free 2-month trial period.
For mpd, volumio, moode audio, rune audio For mpd, volumio, moode audio, rune audio
For upmpd, openhome, bubbleupnp For upmpd, openhome, bubbleupnp
For kodi For kodi
For iPhone, iPad, Mac, AppleWatch For iPhone, iPad, Mac, AppleWatch
Recently added albums Recently added albums
Browse albums Browse albums
Cover art Cover art
Play, pause, previous, next, shuffle, repeat, seek, volume Play, pause, previous, next, shuffle, repeat, seek, volume
Show quality indicators Show quality indicators
(Re)move tracks from the play queue (Re)move tracks from the play queue
  Browse and filter artists, composers, performers
  Artist view with albums, similar artists
  Browse folders
  Browse genres
  Recently played albums
  Playlist support
  Search songs, albums, artists, playlists
  Sync favorites, recently played between devices
  Radio stations
  Stream to device
  Qobuz (for OpenHome, requires separate subscription)
  Works with Siri