Experimental Naim Support
Earlier this year I bought a beautiful Naim Uniti Nova for our living room. In combination with Kanta 2 speakers it sounds fantastic, but I’m less enthusiastic about the accompanying app. Rigelian was the natural candidate to improve on this, so for the last half year I’ve been working on adding support for it in combination with UPnP. Apps like mconnect work as UPnP control point, effectively sitting between a UPnP media server (the music files) and a UPnP renderer (the player). A control point provides music files to the renderer one by one, so it needs to be running […]
New app: Tunica
2 weeks ago I got an idea for a new app, which combines 2 technologies: VisionKit which supports live text recognition, and MusicKit which supports integration of AppleMusic into an app. I got the idea after seeing the great app Cibo, which lets you scan a restaurant menu, and shows images of the dishes on the menu. The app is named Tunica, with the tagline listen to what you read about. It’s like Shazam for text: point your camera at an album title or artist name, and immediately you will see a list of matches from AppleMusic, and listen to […]
Overriding traits with embedded UINavigationController
In Rigelian the album view comes in 2 flavours: a wide display for the iPad, and a narrow version for the iPhone. The view controller is based on a single nib file, with constraints specific for the horizontal size classes .regular and .compact. While implementing a 3-column layout for artists, it turned out that the remaining space for the album view becomes too narrow for the wide display, resulting in many song titles being shortened. So I want to show the narrow version of the screen, like shown here: But the UINavigationController and its child controllers report the horizontal size […]